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SSi Mead Co. Week 1: Our First Store Listing

SSi Mead Co. Week 1: Our First Store Listing

I consider this to be Week 1 of our journey.

As you may imagine, it took years to get here. Just the licensing process alone was a year long adventure with the BC Liquor & Cannabis Regulation Branch. We were finally licensed on December 21, 2021, and our first fermentations started in January of this year. it's May now, and they are finally (as of this week) in the bottle and ready for you to drink.

With product ready for market and our brand (SSi Mead Co.) now fully introduced to the world, this is basically our natal week - our birth as a craft alcohol product. 

We started the week on Monday with an invitation to the "Locals+ Only" industry tasting event at Chamber in Vancouver, hosted by Rich Massey of Massey Wines & Spirits. This event is a deep-insiders industry event featuring wine buyers from specialty stores and select restaurants in the Vancouver area. 

Locals Only - Rich Massey Wines & Spirits - Mead Wine

At SSI Mead Co. we were absolutely thrilled to be invited to this event showcasing the Vancouver Island appellation - Rich Massey assured me that only *the most tuned-in* fermenters from the appellation were asked to come, so being invited to this show for our FIRST event ever - for the global debut of our session meads - is quite a positive nod to what we are doing here at SSI Mead Co.

On Friday our Soured Cherry & Apple Cizer Sesson meads were listed at Thrifty Foods Liquor Store in Ganges Village - Our first retail listing!

This is a seminal event in any new winery's life, and we are extremely proud to see our bottles there on the shelf beside Salt Spring Wild Cider and Kutatás Wines - 2 of our favourite local craft booze businesses.

A big thanks to Van and the Crew at Thriftys Foods Liquor Store Ganges for the incredible support and encouragement!! 

Salt Spring Island is tight. The community is small and supportive. We are so pleased to be part of the island, making exceptional mead wines for you all to enjoy ... 

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Session Meads Now Available!

Session Meads are now available for order.

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