Soured Cherry Session Mead

Our Flagship Session Mead, SSI Mead Co's "Soured Cherry" Session Mead is fully-fermented until dry. This Session Mead features blackberry honey, fermented with Black Cherry and Black Current juice in the tank (this is not back-sweetened - the fruit sugars are completely fermented out). This exceptional Session Mead is tart, quenching, and hard to put down.
6% ABV
It's not what it looks like. We guarantee you've never tried anything like it before. But once you have one, you'll find yourself wanting more. Similar to Hard Ciders, Session meads are super dry, low alcohol, refreshing, and you can drink several in a sitting, making them "session-able."
Made from 100% BC Blackberry Honey, Black Cherries & Black Currants.